Our Mission

We are a Guatemalan organization with social purposes that supports integral training and sustainable community development of children, adolescents, youth and women of rural communities, through education, training and community engagement programs.


The values that make us:






Our Vision

Children, adolescents, youth and women that are leaders and agents of change with values and principles, strategically contributing in sustainable community development.


The goals that guide us:

Strengthen the capabilities and empowerment of the human being for sustainable community development and a life of freedom with responsability.

Reinforce the learning capabilities of children, adolescents and youth of the communities of Chuk Muk, Panabaj and Tzanchaj of Santiago Atitlán for their integral formation through educational reinforcement classes, accompaniment and follow-ups in home and school visits.

Form proactive women in the communities of Chacayá and of Chuk Muk, Panabaj and Tzanchaj of Santiago Atitlán through activities, training and workshops that empower them to generate economic income for their family.

Integrate the project participants for the care, conservation and strengthening of the environment to reduce vulnerability against natural disasters.

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