Our Team

Get to know us!

We are eight qualified individuals originating from the indigenous Mayan Tz’utujil towns that border Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. Currently, an MCC Volunteer from Colombia is working with us. As a group, our diverse strengths and unified virtue allow us to set bases for authentic community development with children, adolescents, youth and women in Chuk Muk, Panabaj, Tzanchaj and Chacayá of the municipality of Santiago Atitlán.

Mayra Magdalena

General Coordinator

Mayra, being 28 years old, takes on the responsibility of General Coordinator for ANADESA. She studied Business Administration in Mariano Gálves University. Since then, she has been Administrative Assistant for Estrella de Mar, Reinforcement Teacher and Proactive Women Project Coordinator for ANADESA. Currently, she is partaking classes of English as a third language. She is set apart for her refined leadership.

Francisco Esquina


Chico, being 27 years old, has the duty of accountant for ANADESA. He studied Business Administration in Mariano Gálves University. Hereafter, he has been Youth Coordinator and Reinforcement Teacher for ANADESA. His enjoyment and specialty reside in managing technological systems.

Concepción Esquina

Education Project Coordinator

Chonita, being 30 years old, takes on the responsibility of Education Project Coordinator for ANADESA. She studied as a Teacher of Bilingual Intercultural Primary Education in C-EDUCA. Subsequently, she has been Reinforcement Teacher for ANADESA. She is experienced in working with children, adolescents and youth of all ages.

Carmen Lourdes
Petzey Chiviliu

Reinforcement Teacher

Lourdes, being 26 years old, works as a Reinforcement Teacher for ANADESA. She studied Social Work in Mariano Galves University. Immediately afterwards she started her role as a teacher. Some of her hobbies and artistry include drawing, painting and embroidery.

Víctor Manuel Choy

Reinforcement Teacher

Víctor, being 24 years old, works as a Reinforcement Teacher for ANADESA. He concluded his studies with a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy and Educational Administration in the Pan-American University. Hereafter, he has been Social Researcher for Buena Semilla. He stands out for his well-rounded set of skills.

Jessica Johana

Reinforcement Teacher

Jessica, being 24 years old, works as a Reinforcement Teacher for ANADESA. She studied Clinical Psychology in Rafael Landivar University. Since then, she has been Proactive Women Project Auxiliary for ANADESA. Her empathy and sociability make her a proficient psychologist and teacher.

Josefa Damián

Proactive Women Project

Josefa, being 39 years old, takes on the responsibility of Proactive Women Project Coordinator for ANADESA. She completed Third of Basic in the IGER. Subsequently she has been an ANADESA Associate and Youth Entrepreneurship and Proactive Women Project Auxiliary for the same. She is passionate about listening to women’s difficult and, in most cases, ignored stories.

Laura Patricia Choy

Proactive Women Project

Laura, being 24 years old, works as Proactive Women Project Auxiliary. She studied as a Bilingual Secretary in the LISI. Since then, she has been a Literacy Teacher for CONALFA. Presently, she is also partaking classes of English as a third language. Some of her capabilities include beading and embroidery.

Adrian David Berrío

MCC Volunteer

Adrian, being 18 years old, works as Communications Assistant and English Teacher at ANADESA. Every year, ANADESA recieves a service worker from Mennonite Central Committee as a part of the former’s SALT/YAMEN program.

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