Triumphant Children and Youth

The triumphant children and youth program focuses on equipping children and youth to be agents of change in their community.

The project is focused on strengthening the education of children by helping them with their homework and providing educational reinforcement classes. ANADESA supports the rural areas surrounding Santiago Atitán, namely Cantón Panabaj and Chuk Muk, where the children typically come from families with low economic resources, have parents who have never attended school, and have little possibility of continuing their education.

Currently ANADESA works with 90 children from 1st grade up until 6th grade and 25 youth from 7th to 9th grade. The children come to ANADESA in the afternoons after school hours are over, and the youth come to ANADESA in the mornings, before their classes.. The areas of reinforcement that are focused on are mainly math, language, computer skills, and reading, though at the same time ANADESA supports its participants in the resolution of any questions or doubts they might have with the homework given to them by the schools where they study. The participants also receive support in acquiring the materials needed for their studies. They are given school supplies and also have access to computers with internet in order to complete any research required for their homework.

Our teachers also make regular visits to our participants’ schools to discuss the progress or needs of each student with their teachers. In addition to the school visits, we also make regular visits to each student’s homes to have conversations with the parents of each participant. In these visits we discuss the student’s progress and also identify potential barriers within the family that could be limiting the students educational success. With all of this information, we can better tailor our support to fit the needs of each student.

We are always looking for support so we can continue improving the lives of our participants, if you would like to participate, please consider a donation, thank you!

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